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Support for Au Pairs

Au Pair Amsterdam is always available if you need support and feel like you can't talk with your host family. Please come to us first if there are any problems and we will do our best to mediate between you and your host family. Contact us via email, phone or skype anytime throughout your stay. We want you to feel supported!


If needed, the IND has provided an au pair information line for those au pairs who need an opportunity to report complaints with regarding his or her stay in the Netherlands. This may be due to lack of support from your host family and au pair agency. Depending on the type of complaint, these shall subsequently be passed on to the police or the Health and Safety Inspectorate, or to both authorities. The information line is not intended for the purpose of reporting physical and/or psychological abuse. The host family shall also be entitled to contact the information line.


IND Au Pair information line: 070 779 48 88





Throughout your stay in the Netherlands, there will be various events for au pairs hosted by Au Pair Amsterdam, BONAPA or another affiliate of ours. We will do our best to keep you informed, but do follow us on Facebook for the most current updates and events.

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