Rates of Au Pair Amsterdam
Self-match Service (own candidate)
You have found an au pair yourself. In our Self-match service, Au Pair Amsterdam will support you and your au pair, from start to finish, with the aim of a carefree time for you and your au pair.
EU Au Pair. € 850
Non-EU Au Pair € 1.845*
Au Pair Filipino nationality € 1.945*
-> *The costs exclude the IND fee (€ 405) and will be invoiced in two parts (one for the assignment and one for visa and residence permit application). You have no entitlement to a refund in event of the au pair’s early departure.
Re-match Service (relocation)
The au pair already resides in the Netherlands and changes host family during the au pair program. In our Re-match service, Au Pair Amsterdam will support you and your au pair, from start to finish, with the aim of a carefree time for you and your au pair.
The Re-match service costs consists of the following components:
Start-up file: € 500
Placement costs: Number of months stay x Placement costs (EU au pair € 20 / Non EU au pair € 90)
-> The Start-up file cost is € 250 for families who has took out our service in the last 3 months. One-off invoice with no entitlement to a refund of the costs for the exchange program in the event of the au pair’s early departure.
Other costs
Other costs which can be expected when participating in the au pair program:
Obligatory costs:
Board & Lodiging
Pocket money € 340 per month
Au pair insurance € 340 € 550 per year
Call credits € 10 per month
BRP extract
TBC test
Other costs:
Course € 380 per jaar
Public transport
Contribution au pair events
Filipino nationality
Legalisation costs € 27,50
Shippingcost € 80 - € 100
Registration fee CFS
Miscellaneous expenses € 100