About Au Pair Amsterdam
Au Pair Amsterdam (APA) was established in 2010 by Li-iy van Hoorn-Lu, a mother of two who utilizes an au pair in her own household. Before starting APA, Li-iy gained many years of valuable experience in the hospitality and financial service industries. Her desire to start this company arose from both her own and others' experiences with live-in au pairs. The goal of APA is to make this beautiful form of cultural exchange happen as smoothly as possible.
Li-iy attributes her interest in this field to her multi-cultural background. She was born in the Netherlands to a first generation Chinese family. Her parents and siblings migrated to Holland just a few years before Li-iy was born. Although challenging at times, Li-iy grew up among these two different cultures and is now fluent in Chinese (Wenzhou), Dutch and English. Thanks to her Asian descent and interpersonal experience with people from all over the world, Li-iy has learned how to flawlessly bridge cultural differences for all parties involved, and she loves to do it!
Au Pair Amsterdam is recognized by the Dutch Immigration Service - Immigratie-en Naturalisatiedienst (IND) as an official sponsor for au pairs. APA.